Elven Treasure Page 4
Ara moans louder. “Yes, Meira, I want to be a good little slut.”
I let out a moan despite myself. The sweet smell of her nectar begins to rise again as her pussy becomes wet. “We are going to do you so good tonight, all night long, little slut.”
“Yes,” Ara whimpered, arching her back and stroking her left breast with her free hand. “Fuck me hard.”
I took my other hand from her leg and thrust my index finger into her tight, still pulsing hole, and finger-fucked her as I continued to play with her swollen clit. My mouth watered, wanting so bad to tasted that beautiful pussy, but I could only have a little piece of her, like Elura had said. I hoped that one day I could have this little treasure all to myself.”
Ara’s moans grew louder and louder until they were nearly screams, and still I rubbed and fingered her, relishing the wetness that was gathering on her pussy and on my fingers.
“I think that’s enough,” Valous said, but I hardly heard him.
The insides of Ara’s pussy contracted, and I cried to her. “Come for me, sweetest!”
Ara let out a cry as her entire body tensed, then released, and a flood of juices flowed. I sat back, disappointed that I couldn’t relish the moment more. I caught Valous’s eye and felt a small sense of victory: I had made Ara climax before he had.
I sensed Valous’s momentary jealousy of my victory, but he quickly moved in, probably not wanting to lose his erection or Ara’s freshly wet pussy. He wasn’t as careful this time as he entered her again, but Ara was alive with lust now, taking his thick length without a flinch. She moaned beautifully as he pounded her.
Elura stepped back off the bed, and I followed her lead, hating that I had to leave Ara’s side. She motioned for me to come to her, and I complied. “You may stay, if you wish. Remember, you can’t be forced to do anything.” She gave me a knowing smile and turned to leave the room.
I turned back to the bed just as Ara let out another scream, a climax overcoming her body. I could tell by Valous’s sweaty but satisfied face that he had also climaxed. After a few moments of raspy breaths, the two locked lips, once again passionately kissing as I could only stand by and watch.
I felt a little awkward now. Sex had always been a private affair in the human lands, even when it was someone’s “first time”. Now that I saw them tangled together in the sheets, sweat glistening on both of their bodies, I felt as if I were watching something forbidden. And yet, I couldn’t take my eyes off them.
Another eternity later, Valous broke away from Ara and looked at me. I was surprised that there was lust in his eyes as he gazed at me. “Have you been with a man before?” he rasped, looking me up and down. I suddenly felt exposed.
I nodded, but clarified, “Only human men.”
Valous grunted and a hint of a smile formed on his lips, as if he thought the idea of having only puny human men humored him. “So you haven’t been claimed by an elf.”
He held out his hand to me, beckoning me to come back to the bed. A knot formed in my stomach, but that deep part of me urged me on, begging to have that cock buried into me.
I took his hand.
Chapter Five
I squirmed against Ara’s firm grip on my hands.
It had taken all of three seconds for Valous to rip the dress from my body and start running his lips and tongue up and down my torso, sucking my nipples until they ached.
“You’re a little fighter,” Valous crooned as he pushed my legs open with his hips. “I’m going to enjoy fucking you.”
I shivered, feeling that I was going to enjoy being fucked by him. He was as close to a god as I could imagine, with those toned muscles, bronze skin, dark, flowing hair, and that monster of a cock. Despite being with men before, I felt that having Valous’s length in me would make is as though I’d never been had before.
I was right.
Valous wasn’t as careful with me as he’d been with little Ara, and I was okay with that. Ara was a treasure. I was of a less delicate breed, and Valous seemed to sense it.
I let out a small moan as his cock slid deep into me, meeting his eyes with a challenging stare. Valous looked back at me with an eager, lustful gaze, promising me with his dark eyes that he wouldn’t disappoint me.
Valous pulled his hips back and slammed into me, and I felt my pussy contract and stretch at the thrust. It was almost painful, but I loved it. My pussy burned with desire for that monster to pound me harder than it had to anyone before.
“Not bad for an almost-human,” Valous whispered. “You like having your legs spread, don’t you?”
“Only for those who are able to completely wear me out,” I grunted back, impatient for whatever he would inflict on me.
“Oh,” Valous growled, leaning in so his lips grazed mine. “I’m going to fuck you so hard your human friends will hear your screams.”
“Do it,” I whisper back, a shutter cascading down my spine.
Valous grunted, but looked to Ara, who was still holding my hands down on the pillows above my head. “Watch this, my elven beauty. I was careful with you tonight, but if I ever come to you again, I will spare no part of my strength on you.”
Ara nodded eagerly, meeting my eye, and I once again hoped that I could someday come to this room and have my way with her.
My attention on Ara was torn away when Valous slammed into me with new force, and I cried out and gasped, my vision blurring for a moment. He didn’t stop. He thrust into me again and again, rocking the entire bed so that it thumped against the stone wall.
I closed my eyes, relishing the feeling of his cock stretching my pussy, only to contract again as he pulled out. This is what a cock should feel like, and I found I loved being held down by not only my lover, but my beautiful, elven treasure, whose perfect tits were mere inches from my face.
“You like being my little almost-human slut?” Valous exclaimed as he pounded into me.
“Y-yes,” I gasp, my eyes rolling to the back of my head.
Valous grabbed the back of my head and forced me to look at him. “Say my name when you answer me,” he snarled.
“I love being your little almost-human slut, Valous,” I whimper as he thrust again into my pussy.
“You are so beautiful, Meira,” Ara murmured, grazing my shoulder with her lips. “I love seeing you get fucked.”
Those words set me off. Every nerve and muscle in my body tensed, and like an icy rain on a wildfire, my climax coursed through my body. Valous laughed triumphantly, probably thinking that the climax was his doing.
I sighed and looked to Ara who only gave me a knowing smile. I longed to kiss her, to touch her, but she kept my hands firmly on the bed. Something in her eye told me to wait, that it wasn’t the time for that yet. I hoped I read her expression correctly. Gods, I wanted her so badly.
My climax only made Valous more rigorous. He gripped my waist with his strong hands and flipped me over, and I screamed as his cock rammed even deeper into me.
“Oh yes,” Valous moaned. “I love your ass.”
He slapped my ass, and I flinched, but begged for more. “Such a dirty, hungry slut,” Valous chuckled darkly. He slapped me again and again until my ass stung.
Ara still held my hands, but she changed her own position so that she spread her legs at my head, inches away from my face. I could see her pussy, still dripping and swollen, but it was too far for me to reach. I could smell her nectar and what Valous had left inside her. She was toying with me, the little bitch.
I felt another wave coming, and Valous knew it. He gripped my hips firmly ramming me against his thrusts. “Come for me, slut,” he moaned.
“Yes, come for me,” Ara whispered into my ear.
Another climax took over my body, and I screamed louder than ever. This one left me exhausted, and I collapsed onto the bed. I felt the warm wetness of Valous’s seed dripping from within me.
Valous seemed exhausted too, his bronze skin dripping with sweat as he p
ulled out of me. He gave my ass one more slap and laughed. “Not bad, Meira.”
Most of the lust was gone from his voice, and I realized he spoke like a friend, not the sex-driven beast he’d been a moment ago. Ara released my hands and I sat up to look at him. He was already pulling on his trousers, once again hiding that glorious cock.
“I guess you elves aren’t too bad,” I say casually, but grin at him.
He returned the grin. “I have to admit, you are the first none-pure elf I’ve been with, Meira. I’d heard some less-than-desirable things from other pure elves about you almost-humans.”
“And I'm judging by the load you filled me with that those rumors proved untrue.”
Valous only grinned wider and raised his eyebrows. “I’ll just say that I’ll open my options up in the future.”
He strode to the door. “Just let me know when you have a lavender dress, and I’ll come.” He winked and disappeared through the door.
I blinked. I’d forgotten about the lavender dresses, about the fact that Elura’s Dwelling was an elven breeding house.
Ara also got off the bed to retrieve her silken dress from the floor. I realized with disappointment that now that I had my treasure alone and naked, I didn’t have the strength to do what I wanted with her. Ara also looked tired, understandably. Valous’s “delicacy” with her first time was probably still more vigorous than many sex veterans experienced. And what I had just done with Valous…
I was sore between the legs as I stood and picked up my discarded blue dress. Ara already had hers on and came over to help me slip mine back on, tying the straps with delicate and precise fingers.
My lust having died down, I found it hard to talk to her, unsure if we could ever see each other the same after what we’d done, how I’d touched her in such a way. But still that hope remained embedded deep within me, that one day I might return to this bedchamber without anyone else but her.
I thought over the words she’d spoken to me as Valous had ridden me, half believing that they had been a fantasy of my imagination. The timid, beautiful Ara had returned, the one that I couldn’t imagine saying such things.
I walked silently to the door and opened it, but as I walked into the hallway, a delicate hand caught mine. “Meira,” Ara’s voice greeted my ears like a song.
I turned to look at her and could have sworn that in those glittering, amber eyes that I saw a spark of that lust that had once been there. “Yes, Ara?”
A shy smile formed on her pink lips and a rosy blush flamed on her cheeks. “I want to put Valous’s word about you almost-humans to the test.”
And with that, she closed and locked the door, leaving me dazed, confused, and sore in the dimly lit hallway.
Chapter Six
I barely saw Ara over the next week, catching only glimpses of her walking with her aunt or disappearing into her room without even a glance at me.
Without the elven beauty to distract me, I spent time with Srien and Quarren whenever I wasn’t out exploring the forest. Quarren was indeed with child, having vomited all over a table full of bread and fruit, but her joy was so full that she hardly seemed to mind the disgusted looks from the other women. She gushed and raved about how her baby would be three-quarters pure blood and how she would soon be able to go live with family in the village.
Srien had been quiet and moody ever since the night of her matching with Gaelin and the other woman, and Quarren told me that she thought it was because Gaelin had either underperformed or favored the other woman more. Srien hated having to stay at the Dwelling, Quarren explained, and her dream was to have twins, no matter the amount of elven blood they carried, so she could escape as quickly as possible.
Elura seemed to be avoiding me as well, so I wasn’t able to inquire about whether or not the magic in the Dwelling and forest around it made us more aroused than normal, but as the days and eventually weeks wore on, I discovered that my original hypothesis was quickly waning into doubt. I still sensed the magic in the air and found myself feeling more and more at home, loving how the sunlight seemed to sparkle more here and the food tasted sweeter with every bite, but I never felt compelled to anything, never wanted to be with anyone like I had that night with Ara and Valous.
I was perfectly and properly civil, eating tea cakes and drinking berry wine daintily as I conversed with the other women. A few lavender dresses appeared about a week later, and Elura hosted another matching with another group of suitors, though this time there weren’t any pure-blooded elves on either side. The next week the dark-skinned three-quarters elven woman that had gone with Gaelin and Srien came to breakfast in a white dress, earning an applause and chorus of congratulations from the other women. Srien went pale with fury at the sight of the white dress. Her dress was green, meaning she had started her monthly bleeding, proving that the match hadn’t been successful.
I began to worry as the days wore on and I hadn’t seen any sign of Ara. Was she wearing a green or a white dress? Where was she? Why was Elura avoiding me?
The pleasant days of chatting and eating with the other women soon turned dull, and I once again found myself longing to either go out beyond the forest to explore the villages or to leave Errenity Valley for good. But the guards and an icy wasteland stood between me and my homeland and I was always found and brought back by one of the women at the Dwelling.
The message was clear: get with child quickly or lose your freedom for good.I even began to get bored of the light blue silken gowns left by my bedside every day, despite their comfort and light weight. I missed my cotton and wool human clothes, even if they itched. I missed eating meat and potatoes, even though the elven bread and fruit was perfection. I just felt I had no purpose, no reason to exist other than to gossip about nothing and stuff my face.
This mundane life lasted until the moment I opened my eyes one morning and found a lavender dress by my bedside with a note that said:
There will be a match tonight for you.
I rolled my eyes and nearly tore the note up, but then I stopped. As if from nowhere, that deep part of me sparked and caught aflame, and I realized that I longed for the moment I would be chosen and taken.
I hurriedly put the lavender dress on and walked proudly to breakfast, where Srien and Quarren greeted me happily.
“Look at you, all rosy-cheeked and haughty,” Quarren praised. Her belly under the white gown was already looking less flat than it had when I arrived.
Srien smiled at me but it didn’t reach the eyes. I knew that she meant nothing against me, but that she was still upset that her last match hadn’t been successful. She slumped in her light blue silk dress as if it weighed her down. “I’ll bet you can’t wait until tonight. The matchings are always exciting. You never know what you might get.”
“At this point, I don’t care what I get,” I admitted, and that deep part of me purred at the thought of the possibilities.
“A little horny now, aren’t we?” Quarren exclaimed in a sing-song voice.
“You’re always horny,” Srien quipped back. “Even with your little bun in the oven.”
Quarren furrowed her brow at her friend. “You’re just angry that I get to leave tomorrow and you don’t.”
Srien’s eyes narrowed dangerously, and I worried they would start a fight, but Srien stood up from the table and stomped off, calling over her shoulder, “Excuse me for enjoying having you here.”
Quarren blew a breath through her cheeks then smiled sadly to me. “The duty rests heavier on some shoulders than others.”
“Are you really leaving tomorrow?” I’d grown to love Quarren’s company, preferring it over Srien’s recent mood.
Quarren nodded. “Elura always likes to keep the women wearing white in the Dwelling for a few weeks just to ensure all is going well in the early stages. She senses the babe is strong, so I can leave to stay with my cousin and her family.”
“Do you wish for a boy or girl?”
“I don�
��t know.” She stroked her belly and smiled softly. “I have a feeling it’s a girl, but I know many women hope to have a girl. Girls are worth more than anything these days.”
So the elves can continue growing their population. A male elf could reproduce with more women, but a woman could only have one pregnancy at a time. The thought sickened me.
“If it is a girl, do you want her to live here, in the Dwelling when she’s old enough?” My words came out a little shaky.
Quarren paused, thinking. “I don’t have any problem with the idea. I mean, I’m doing it now, and I’ve been happy enough here. I do hope that by the time my baby is grown the elven leaders will be more confident in the population size and not expect such things women so they can choose what they will do with their lives.
“How is the population now?” I asked, surprised I hadn’t thought to ask before now.
Quarren gestured to the room around us. “All the women here are the ones that are able to bare children. There are a few others, of course, who are in separate locations to birth and raise their children. I’d say the total population of fertile women is about double what we have here.”
So that made about eighty total.
Quarren continued, “Last I heard from Elura, there were about a hundred and thirty children in the schools and fifty children too young to go to school. The last few years have brought a good number of multiple births, with one woman having triplets and a few others having twins. They won’t likely return, as most of them aren’t pure elves, unless they truly take their duty to the next level.”
“I don’t want to have children,” I muttered, not realizing I was voicing my thoughts.
“But you’re often so eager,” Quarren said with a giggle.
“Just because I want to fuck doesn’t mean I want to procreate.”
“I understand,” Quarren sighed and popped a grape into her mouth. “I was much the same as you when I first came here, but I eventually decided it was better to grit my teeth and get out of here so I could fuck as I pleased and not at Elura’s bidding. But I found that once I discovered my little treasure,” she gestured to her belly, “that I am quite excited to meet him or her. Maybe you’ll be the same, or maybe you won’t.”