Elven Treasure Read online

Page 3

  I stopped by a small stream and watched the thin layer of water swirl around the pebbles and twigs. A single minnow fought against the current, probably having been washed from some larger stream or river. I hoped it would find a better place to live soon.

  A red maple leaf slid by on the top of the crystal water, and my mind flashed to Ara’s auburn hair. I shook my head, trying to clear the thought. What was up with me? I didn’t find it wrong to be attracted to a woman, but I’d never been one to obsess over anyone, male or female.

  A soft breeze caressed me, rippling the thin silken robe I wore. With it came the sweet, alluring smell of magic, and something suddenly dawned on me. Was I somehow influenced by the magic? Was there something in it that aroused me in such a way? I glanced up the road towards Elura’s Dwelling with sudden clarity, and anger welled within me.

  I started back to the Dwelling, running with more ease than I’d ever been able to. Probably another side effect of the magic coursing through my elven blood. I would go to Elura, demand answers, and if my suspicions proved true, I would demand that she allow me to return to my life as a human.

  My mind was more than made up by the time I stomped my way up the stone steps and through the entryway. As always, there were over a dozen young women in that main marble room. Didn’t they tire of the same activities day after day? Was the magic holding them captive too? I imagined that those that had purer elven blood than I did would be more susceptible to the magic.

  There was something different about the energy in the room as I made my way through. Rather than the usual, whimsical chatter, their voices were hushed to excited whispers. The women sat up straighter, their hair done in even fancier styles than before. They all wore silken gowns similar to mine, though many had some cut so loosely over their chests that they might as well have been wearing nothing.

  I slowed my step, paying more attention now. I made eye contact with Quarren, who was lounging on a daybed with Srien, twirling a lock of brunette hair around her finger. She smiled and gestured for me to join them. Trying to ignore the memories of what had happened the night before, I joined them.

  “You look lovely today, Meira,” Quarren cooed.

  It appeared that my elven name had already circulated around the Dwelling. “Thank you,” I said, sitting on the edge of the daybed. I glanced around, still put off by the hushed excitement. “What is happening?”

  Srien let out a giggle and tossed her blonde hair over her shoulder. “A group of pure elven men are coming to claim maidens.”

  “Claim maidens?” I repeated, then widened my eyes. “You mean…”

  Quarren nodded excitedly. “They’re coming to ask for our hands.”

  “So if one picks you, you’ll get married to him?”

  “No, silly,” Srien giggled. “If a man picks us and we accept him, we go with him for a time, until we have a child.”

  “Only until you have a child? You won’t stay together?” It sounded absurd to me, only going with someone to breed.

  “If the match proves true, you may stay with him,” Quarren explained. “Elves do fall in love, but it is very rare for them to fall in love with their first match.”

  “But to have children with them…”

  “It hasn’t always been this way,” Srien replied with an understanding expression. “Elves used to wait until they found their true love before thinking about children, but with our numbers so few, we must do our duty.”

  “But you’re not forced to do that duty, right?” That’s what Gailen and Folwin had told me, and I prayed it held true.

  “No,” Srien replied. “But you can’t leave Elura’s Dwelling until you bear at least two children.”

  I balked. “Two children? And if you don’t want to have them or are barren, you’re just stuck here?”

  “They make exceptions for those who are truly barren. They have ways of telling. If you are fertile, you will wait here until your age of fertility has passed.”

  “For that reason many girls hope to have twins,” Quarren said. “Get done with your duty quickly so you can go on and live your life.”

  “Just be glad you’re not a full elf,” Srien said in a lower voice as a full elven girl came by. “Those that have pure elven blood are required to try for at least four children before they can leave the Dwelling for good.”

  So it was a breeding house, basically. It would make sense that Elura would put some sort of spell on the Dwelling to help arouse the inhabitants to such feeling, to encourage them to reproduce. Animals, these elves were. I would either have to meet the elves minimum demands or wait until I was beyond child-bearing age to get out of here.

  And yet, there was still a part of me that wanted to give in to that urge.

  All the excited whispers halted when Elura walked in, her heeled shoes clicking on the marble floor. “We have four suitors for you ladies today. One is of pure elven blood…” The crowd stirred at the mention of the pure elf, “...and the other three are of three-quarter blood purity or higher. They will be in shortly. Those of you in lavender may line up in the back of the room.”

  Srien grinned devilishly at Quarren, who rolled her eyes. Srien wore a light lavender dress like the one Ara had been wearing earlier. Sure enough, Ara was one of the five that lined up in the back of the room as Elura had instructed.

  “What does lavender mean?” I whispered to Quarren, watching Ara out of the corner of my eye.

  Quarren’s nose twitched, and she looked unsure of how to phrase her explanation. “You could say that each color represents how likely you are to be with child soon. Blue, like yours, means you are still a ways from your...heat, as you might call it. Green,” she gestured to another half elven girl nearby, “means she is bleeding now. And white,” she stroked the hem of her own white silken gown, “means that we are likely with child.”

  My eyes widened. “You are?”

  Quarren gave me a shy smile. “Likely. I won’t know for sure for another week, but Elura said she could sense something growing within me.”

  My interest piqued, I urged her on. “Who is the father?”

  “A full elf,” she said proudly. “I was so surprised when he picked me, but he did. I will stay here until we can confirm that I am with child before I go to my cousin’s house until the birth. Once the child is old enough to go to school and if I have not had another child by then, I will come back here.”

  “Do you think he’ll come back to you?”

  Quarren shrugged. “Perhaps, though I doubt it. Those elven men sure know how to fuck, but it would take a very strong bond for him to give up the prospect of a pure blooded wife for a half blood like myself.” She shushed me when I went to ask another question, gesturing at the entryway.

  Four tall men walk in. I could immediately pick out the full-blooded elf. Long, pointed ears aside, the one in the back of the group at least a head taller than the others and built with lean, slender muscles. His smooth, bronze skin, sweeping raven hair, and slender facial features made him look like a mythical prince. He was clearly a warrior, though I wondered where and why he trained, as he had probably never even left Errenity Valley.

  The other three were at least three-quarter elves, as Elura had already explained. They were all handsome, though not nearly as much so as the full-blooded elf. One had extremely pale skin with freckles, though he had the thin facial features of a pure elf, another had tanned skin with long, pointed ears but lacked the graceful features of the others, and the last one…

  I gasped. It was Gaelin, the elf I’d ridden with to Errenity Valley.

  Gaelin recognized me at the same moment I realized he was there and gave a little wave and a crooked grin. I could see the eagerness in his eyes as he looked over the young women lined up before them.

  “How often does this happen?” I asked Quarren.

  “About once a week, though it can happen at any time Elura sees fit. If there are enough girls ready to be matched, she will send word.”

/>   “There are more girls than there are suitors,” I observed, trying not to look solely at Ara. “What happens to the one not picked?” I hoped that Ara would leave the night not being picked, but I highly doubted that wish would come true. From what I could tell, Ara was the only truly full-blooded elf in the line, and the prettiest one by far.

  I already knew who would go with her, even before the group of suitors reached the girls in lavender.

  Without a moment’s hesitation, the bronze-skinned pure elf held out his hand to Ara, who took it without a flinch. She smiled sweetly up at him, her head barely reaching his chest. The elven man smiled back at her, though his wasn’t nearly as sweet. Pure lust and desire were in that gaze, and I felt my blood boil. Whether of hatred for the elf himself or mere jealousy that he could have Ara, I didn’t know. I could only watch as he began to lead her towards the bedchambers.

  The others made their selections, lucky Gaelin taking both Srien and a lovely dark-skinned three-quarters elf by the hand. So that’s what happened to the extra woman when there weren’t enough suitors…

  Ara paused before being led into the hallway and down the staircase and whispered something to Elura, who nodded approvingly. Then she disappeared with the elven man.

  To my surprise, Elura approached me. “My niece suggested that you attend her during her first matching,” she said. “I will be there as well, to ensure all goes well. Will you come with me?”

  Without thinking of the implications, I nodded and followed Elura and the line of women and their matches down the hallway and staircase. The sweet and tangy scent of magic mixed with incense wafts up the staircase, and I feel my senses go slightly hazy. Once more, something deep inside of me flared, and I felt a strange excitement thinking about what was about to happen.

  One by one, the couples (and trio) entered rooms along the hallways, until only myself, Elura, Ara, and her elven match remained walking down the hallway. I realized with a jolt that I would soon know where Ara’s bedchamber was, though I doubted that information would prove useful, at least for the purposes that deep part of me craved. At last, we stopped at a door, and Ara opened it.

  “This is Ara’s first time,” Elura whispered to me before we entered the room after the pair. “She’s understandably nervous, but she’s more than ready.”

  That deep part within me growled, hating that elven man more for taking Ara.

  “What am I supposed to do?” I whisper back.

  “You’ll see,” Elura said with a devilish smile, her ruby lips glistening in the lamplight.

  I followed the elven woman in to see Ara and the elven man kissing passionately, standing at the foot of a pillow-fluffed bed. As the elven man kissed her, his hand roamed over her body, sliding one of the sleeves of her lavender dress down. I watched hungrily, craving to see the body that was hidden beneath the silk fabric.

  Ara let out a little moan, the sweetest, most intoxicating sound I’d ever heard. The sweet smells of the incense were strong in the room, clouding my thinking even further. The only thoughts I could cling to were of Ara, sweet, beautiful Ara, and how she was about to be taken by a man much larger than she was.

  “You like what you see,” Elura whispered into my ear, her ruby lips grazing my earlobe. “Good. We will be sure to make it worth your while here.” She cleared her throat and called out to the elven man. “That’s enough, Valous, we have to keep to the ritual.”

  Valous, stepped back, breathing hard, his eyes devouring Ara. I could see the lump in his trousers, ready to spring free and take the dainty Ara. I knew he was fighting to urge to take her in that moment, but he listened to Elura and stepped back and waited, lean muscles tense and ready.

  “We will undress her for him,” Elura murmured in my ear.

  I had no objection to that.

  Ara smiled nervously at me as I stood on her left side while Elura stood on her right. Her chest was heaving, her nipples and erect, pushing at the thin silken garment that kept her hidden. Meeting Elura’s eye, I helped her untie the straps in the back of Ara’s dress, relishing in the slow but sure loosening of the garment. A few moments later, the dress fell loosely to the floor at Ara’s little feet, and I fought so hard to not touch her.

  Ara’s perky breasts were perfect, hardened nipples the shyest shade of pink. Her abdomen was curved and tight, a ruby gem glittering at her navel. Just below that, she was shaved clean between her slender, graceful legs, and I found my mouth watering. Her ass was round and toned perfectly, just like the rest of her beautiful, perfect body.

  “Don’t hide yourself, dear,” Elura chided softly, brushing the soft auburn curls from over Ara’s right breast. “Let your match see all of your beauty.”

  “Turn for me,” Valous commanded. Ara did so, and I’m sure I watched the sight just as hungrily as Valous did.

  “Does she please you?” Elura asked.

  “Very much so,” Valous growled with controlled breaths.

  “Good. Then we shall continue. Follow my lead, Meira.”

  I tore my eyes from Ara’s body and watched what Elura was doing. She took Ara’s right arm, so I took her left, feeling the softness of her skin, and eased her back onto the bed. We made sure Ara was in a comfortable place on the bed, far enough away from the edge.

  “We are going to hold her down,” Elura whispered to me.

  My eyes snapped to Elura, then to Ara, who still looked nervous, but nodded encouragingly. Elura pulled Ara’s right leg up and motioned for me to do the same with her left. I did so, and swallowed when I saw the pink mound of her vulva, smooth and already swollen with arousal. The sweet smell of her nectar rose, and I stifled a moan.

  Elura cleared her throat softly, and I realized I was supposed to hold Ara’s hand down above her head. I took Ara’s dainty, slender hand and rested it on the pillows above her head, noting with satisfaction that Ara laced her fingers with mine.

  “Are you ready, my dear?” Elura asked softly.

  Ara nodded. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

  Valous moved forward, undoing his trousers as he walked. The trousers fell, revealing a proud, thick length. Ara’s eyes widened when she saw it, and squirmed slightly.

  “Don’t be afraid, Ara,” Elura crooned. “You are more than ready.”

  Valous climbed onto the bed, coming to a stop as his hands rested on either side of Ara’s head, his cock grazing the tip of Ara’s pink mound. He lowered his head to kiss Ara some more, obviously trying to enjoy every moment of having such a beauty under him.

  Ara moaned and arched her back slightly as she kissed him, her pussy contracting slightly with desire. I watched them both, suddenly hungry for both of them.

  I’d been with a few men before, finding enough pleasure in it to try it again, but seeing Valous with a cock that big, I could only imagine what it would feel like to have that pounding into me. Fuck, what have I gotten myself into? I’m probably hornier than Ara and Valous combined!

  After what seemed like an eternity of them squirming and kissing, Valous finally reached to position his cock. He didn’t enter immediately, his dark eyes wide as he watched ever movement of Ara’s face. I knew what he wanted. He wanted to see every moment of Ara’s reaction to his monster entering her tight hole.

  He pushed at her opening, and Ara gave a little gasp. I held her hand down firmly as she squirmed. Slowly, Valous pushed in, his cock disappearing into that beautiful, tight hole. Ara breathed deeply, occasionally whimpering, but held strong. I saw a fire light in her amber eyes as she looked determinedly into Valous’s dark, hungry eyes.

  At last Valous stopped, his cock not having completely gone in. He held still for a moment, probably to allow Ara’s body to adjust to the size of him. Ara’s perky tits rose and fell for a few seconds, and she nodded to him, giving him the clear.

  Valous let out a pleased growl, pulled his hips back, and slammed into her, earning a small cry from the young elven woman. He did it again, and again, Ara squealing and moaning with ea
ch one.

  “That’s it, darling,” Elura encouraged. “You’re doing so well.” Her eyes watched Valous’s cock, and I wondered if she ever took anyone to bed, even though she couldn’t bare children anymore.

  Ara’s fingers squeezed mine, and I squeezed back. I loved each moan she made, and I wished it could be me on top of her, earning each little sound that escaped her pretty pink lips. Valous pounded her harder, faster, also moaning. Ara’s little tits bounced with each thrust.

  Suddenly, Valous pulled back and stood. “She’s a little dry,” he said to Elura.

  Elura shot me a sly smile. “This is where you come in, Meira.”

  I furrowed my brow, confused. “What do you mean?”

  “As Ara’s aunt, I don’t feel comfortable performing an...arousing. She reached for my hand and guided it towards Ara’s pulsing pussy. “I saw how you like her from the moment you were introduced, so now you can have a little piece of her.”

  I shivered when my fingertips touched Ara’s soft mound. I lifted the hand that held Ara’s hand and laid it on her leg to keep it pushed back as far as possible. Ara was pleasingly flexible, allowing her pussy to be stretched and open to its fullest before me. I could smell her but could see that the friction against Valous’s cock had indeed dried up many of her juices.

  We’d fix that right quick.

  I stroked the velvet lips of her pussy, stopping near the top to search for her clit. I wiggled my finger, and a little squirm and squeal from Ara told me I had found her little treasure.

  “You may want to talk to her to arouse her more,” Elura suggested.

  “Hmm.” I grin devilishly at Ara, who looks eagerly back at me. “I like seeing you splayed out before me for me to play with.” I rub her clit, slowly, carefully, loving how her entire body tenses at the caress. A sweet little moan escaped her lips.

  “Don’t take too long,” Valous complained, rubbing his cock to keep erect.

  I rub the clit a little harder, faster. “You’re being such a good little slut, aren’t you, Ara?”